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September 20, 2008



That gets me right there! oh man... That comment on prayer is...well, WHOA! Love you, girl!


I'm so sorry Rachael..so unfair for your sister to have to go through so much and for your family to have to watch her suffer.


I am sitting here at work crying reading and the head of DCFS' Salt Lake Region was here for a meeting and started calling me to come help her. It seems like I've been caught crying at work too much lately! Maybe reading blogs at work is a bad idea :)


Rach, I had no idea about Heather. I still remember her being oh maybe 10, with her blonde hair and glasses, lifting her shirt to show me her impressive scar from heart surgery. You hit the nail on the head about people who have had to gight thier whole lifes to live; they don't go down easily. I have good memories of Heather from your house below OLY. Give her a kiss for me. I will keep you and your family in my heart and prayers


I'm so sorry. Heather is such a little fighter and she's had so many trials in her life. Your family will be in our prayers.


Rach...I am so sorry that your family has to go through just another trial. You are all in my prayers. How are you and the baby? Pink or Blue? Do you know?

Hollie Wood

Hey Rachel,
I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask!

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